The Story about this TAC Claim
Angela was 15 years old when she was injured in a car accident in May 2007. She was a passenger in a car driven by her mother. Her mother was seriously injured, and a lot of attention was given to her mother. Angela suffered an injury to her hip and everyone believed that she should come good, being such a young person. Over time her injury did not come good, and she came to see us in 2009. We explained to her the TAC no fault system and how she could only get compensation if her injury was seen as permanent and serious. Taking into account her age, we advised that it would be too soon to seek compensation and best to wait a bit longer. Our favourite expression in these circumstances in that “Time is your Friend – Time will tell us if your injury is permanent and how serious it will affect your Life”.
So we waited, and 3 years later her condition was no better, and in fact it was deteriorating. So in 2012 we asked TAC for a serious injury certificate and they said no. And so we waited a bit more, just in case and when her condition did not improve we issued proceedings in the County Court seeking a serious injury certificate. Angela’s treating orthopaedic surgeon, a very well regarded surgeon, was hopeful that he could find a cure, and so we gave him the time to do so. Her court proceedings were delayed as the surgeon tried one procedure after another but unfortunately all of them failed. Eventually, he advised that there was nothing he could do to fix her condition and with that TAC accepted that she had a permanent injury.
What was that injury, a nasty hip injury that affected her ability to stand and walk for any left of time, and as such had ended her career as a hair stylist and took away her enjoyment of her sporting activities. She was with time left with a slight hip and with that came lower back pain. Her future is one of ongoing medical treatment to manage her condition.
TAC agreed in the end to grant the serious injury certificate and with that certificate we were able to negotiate with TAC a settlement of her claim that will bring this aspect of her claim to an end. We say this aspect as we will always remain committed to assist Angela with any dispute she may have with the TAC into the future concerning her entitlement to benefits. We do so as a firm policy, and without charging our clients any legal fees for that service.
Angela very kindly joined our Henry Carus in a chat captured on the linked Video and then sent our Henry Carus a personal thank you card with some gold class movie tickets. The personal touch to Henry means so much, as we work hard to provide a very personal level of service to our clients.
Actual Client Testimonial.
I want to thank Henry Carus + Associates for all their hard work and support over the last 10 years fighting my case. Not once did they give up my case but drove it to a very successful settlement which I never though would be possible. Being Patient and having trust in Henry and the team was the biggest key. I am very grateful for all the time and effort put into my case and knowing that even after my settlement Henry and the team will always go in a bat for me for the rest of my life.
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