Many of you are deeply concerned about cost when hiring a law firm to help lodge your claim. Lawyers and law firms can be quite intimidating and confusing when this subject is brought up. It’s a topic we’re confident you have questions about, and also confident you’ll appreciate our approach to help you when lodging your claim.
The cost agreement
During the first phase of meeting with an injury lawyer they’ll promote their ‘No Win No Fee’ policy. They’ll push to make it clear that if you don’t receive any money for your claim you’ll never be charged. However, there are charges if you do win. Law firms work hard to lock you into a contract so you can’t leave them and go with another firm, and if you do win they can snag a good portion of your earnings while locking you into their system.
Most firms will lock you in with a cost agreement contract for the fees upon victory of the claim. This can be anywhere from 3-10 pages long depending on the injury law firm. It will feature legal jargon that will be difficult to understand unless you went to law school and have been studying law your whole career. This only increases your fears and makes matters even more confusing, not knowing what you’ll have to pay if you win. It can be really bad with some of these big law firms that don’t see you as a person, but only as profits.
The 90 day guarantee lawyer what that means
Our firm is different. Very different We not only offer the No Win No Pay lawyer promise like the majority of injury firms in the area but we do even more. We believe you deserve more and we’re going to live by that statement. One important item that makes us different is we offer a 90 day guarantee. You can start your claim with us. Our lawyers will put forth all of their effort to help you retrieve the maximum compensation for your claim. If you feel uneasy, nervous, or you believe we’re not doing enough to get you the maximum amount of compensation for your claim you can simply just leave if its before the 90 day mark from your first initial visit with us about your current claim.
Why the option to leave
If you leave you don’t have to pay, you can go to any other firm in the region and that’s it. We offer this because we’re confident in our lawyers and our services. We really believe deep down that the majority will be very satisfied with their decision to sign on with our law firm. If they don’t believe in our firm and our ability to get them the most for their claim they’re free to leave and move on. It truly gives clients the ease of comfort when choosing our firm to handle their claim.
How this has been received by people like you
Our clients absolutely love it. It’s truly comforting to them and because of that we’re going to continue it.
Has anyone taken us up on the 90 day guarantee
We’ve not had a client leave. They’re very satisfied with our hard work on their claim. They grow to appreciate that they’re not being schemed by our lawyers and that we see them as people, who are going through a difficult time overcoming the injury they just experienced.
We have the track record
If you’re needing to file a TAC claim, or any personal injury related claim get in touch with us and we can potentially place you on our 90 day guarantee program.